
Carbon Neutral Certification


Ratio improves upon commitment to NoCO2 certification for FY21



NoCO2 certification for FY21

Ratio will use this report to plan future reductions of its carbon footprint.

NoCO2 certification for FY21

Upon completion of the FY21 audit by the Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI), we are pleased to report Ratio’s emissions have reduced year-on-year and we remain a carbon neutral certified practice.

The Carbon Reduction Institute assists organisations reduce their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and provide organisations and consumers with a simple way of recognising carbon neutral and low carbon products and services.

Ratio is committed to fostering change and balancing the values of our growing team to create a sustainably responsive environment. We are proud to report our total emissions footprint has decreased most significantly in our Staff Travel and Cost of Sales categories.

CRI’s NoCO2 audit follows the standards outlined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and the international standard ISO 14064.1.

Read more here.